DEVASTATINGLY BLEAK, POETIC work of profound horror is a brutal, beautifully crafted exploration of the depths of the human heart. Not for everyone, but for those willing to look into the abysses of our nature, it’s powerful as hell. A MINUS

DEVASTATINGLY BLEAK, POETIC work of profound horror is a brutal, beautifully crafted exploration of the depths of the human heart. Not for everyone, but for those willing to look into the abysses of our nature, it’s powerful as hell. A MINUS
A SET OF SUPERNATURAL MURDERS spurs a close-knit group of friends into action in this charming cozy paranormal mystery. Small-town Arizona setting, mystical lore, and a touch of romance combine in an entertaining read. B PLUS
If I'd taken this photo in the 1960s/70s, a tabloid would have printed it as 'Proof that Woodland Spirits Exist. Mr Littler was startled during a walk in the woods by the fairy-like entity. "It spoke an unfamiliar language," he said. "I assumed mere seconds had passed by, but I was gone twelve days."'
#folkhorror #1970s #supernatural
MARVELOUSLY TRIPPY HORROR novella juxtaposes the familiar and the strange in unexpected, powerful ways. This one will haunt you. B PLUS
#WordWeavers 1. Introduce your MC to your best friend.
Me: Roxy, I don’t know if ever told you about my narrative character, Ume. She is a #transfem #butch and aspiring writer. She is married to a #transmasc #asexual. They decide Ume needs a girlfriend who will return her physical affections. Ume picks a toxic ex-idol cursed with a dead lover who wants to kill her. Oh Ume doesn’t have as much trauma as my last two narrators.
Roxy: I take it. This is another #yuri #horror.
Me: No more yuri weird tale #supernatural stuff. But Ume doesn’t have any supernatural ability. It all her girlfriend. #KonbiniIdol #polyamory #Trans #NMWW
"Maria Maria" is a song by American rock band Santana featuring #theProductGAndB, included on Santana's 18th studio album, #Supernatural (1999). The song was written by #WyclefJean, #JerryWondaDuplessis, #CarlosSantana, Karl Perazzo, and Raul Rekow, while Jean and Duplessis produced it. The track samples the drum beat from "God Make Me Funky" by American #jazzFusion band #theHeadhunters.
¡El reencuentro que todos esperaban! Jared Padalecki y Misha Collins se unen a Jensen Ackles en la última temporada de #TheBoys
#Supernatural #TheBoysFinalSeason
OMG! The Boys’ Stages ‘Supernatural’ Reunion
#SPN #TV #TVNews #JaredPadalecki #JensenAckles #MishaCollins #PrimeVideo #Supernatural #TheBoys
I'm from #Ayrshire, #Scotland.
I'm a #ModelBuilder, mainly ships from #StarTrek
Married to @martin #LGBTQIA #LGBWithTheT
#Cat named Maya.
#Anxiety #Trekkie #IDIC
#TV: #StarTrek #DoctorWho #Stargate #BSG #Supernatural
#Politics: #Green #SNP #ScottishIndependence.
What do ‘tengu’ demons, long-necked ‘rokurobi’ monsters and ghost stories have in common? They’re the core of a tourism push for Shimane and Tottori prefectures. #life #travel #travel #yokai #supernatural #mizukishigeru #lafcadiohearn
HAUNTED BY VENGEFUL GHOSTS, a young girl in rural Nigeria takes a supernatural journey into a special kind of afterlife and returns with incredible powers. Marvelously imagined tale of horror leavened by compassion and love. A MINUS
Easily, our favorite headline today: "Spooky floating lights in South Carolina could be earthquake farts."
From Science News: "Radon, methane or other gases that rise from the ground during quakes could have been ignited by static electricity or sparks from shifting rocks or passing trains, causing the vapors to luminesce."
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What to read in turbulent times, fiction of course! #scifi #ScienceFiction #books #dystopia #supernatural #magical #AfroFuturism
#lucylui moves her family into a new home, but they aren't alone as director #stevensoderbergh dips his toe in the supernatural waters with #prescence.
#moviereview below.
The only thing that has motivated me to ask for a #visa to #USA is #Supernatural. I really would like to visit the towns they show
AN ASSASSIN AND A SORCERER, linked by magic and a growing love, take on armies and even death itself in an adventure filled with action, a richly imagined fantasy world, and evocative writing. A MINUS
Book Review: Poltergeist II: The Other Side by James Kahn
#ReaderCommunity #ReadingCommunity #BookCommunity #Novelization #Novelisation #BookReview #Review #Poltergeist #Ghosts #Haunted #Supernatural
Rose Byrne is terrifying in ‘If I Had Legs I’d Kick You’ at Sundance #A$apRocky #anxiety #CareerBestPerformance #ConanO'Brien #DanielleMacdonald #EmotionalTension #FamilyDrama #FemaleCelebrities #HorrorFilm #IfIHadLegsIdKickYou #IndieFilm #linda #MagicalRealism #MaryBronstein #motherhood #PsychologicalDrama #RoseByrne #SundanceFilmFestival #supernatural #Suspense